What the hecko


So what is this website you might ask? Well if I told you that I would have to bake you a cheesecake, and neither of us wants that. Please poke around and see for yourself. If you get bored/feel humid with this page, I would recommend checking out our about us for some leftover halloween candy, the products have some lovely start up ideas and associated games, we also do freelance reviews and are looking for the next great egg. Happy Thursday!

Investor update

Beloved Shareholders,

Whatthehecko.com will now be moving from a single HQ to a dual HQ business. The real estate costs alone might eat us alive. But it's impossible to deny that earnings are up and we successfully executed an unprecedented soft landing. What a good run. 

Select Highlights | Chaska and Sarah 

Risk Factors | what will become of the trash? who will open the door when Sarah forgets her key and Nick is playing games? when will sarah's company pay for her to visit chaska / the sf st regis? 

Outlook and Vision | Fear not, shareholders, the chefs will be just fine

Things we miss from a past life

A partial and unordered list of the top 10 best feelings

Six questions to fall in love