What the hecko
So what is this website you might ask? Well if I told you that I would have to bake you a cheesecake, and neither of us wants that. Please poke around and see for yourself. If you get bored/feel humid with this page, I would recommend checking out our about us for some leftover halloween candy, the products have some lovely start up ideas and associated games, we also do freelance reviews and are looking for the next great egg. Happy Thursday!
Investor update
Beloved Shareholders,
Whatthehecko.com will now be moving from a single HQ to a dual HQ business. The real estate costs alone might eat us alive. But it's impossible to deny that earnings are up and we successfully executed an unprecedented soft landing. What a good run.
Select Highlights | Chaska and Sarah
Went to brunch: mostly in brooklyn, never on time, highlights include Pecoraro Latteria, Hey Yuet, and anytime brunch lasted until the sun went down
Hosted events: birthdays, burgers, boardgame nights, chaskameals
West side highwayed: played tennis, ate on google's roof, biked until sarah got kicked off lyft, saw so many hot people
Worked: in 5 jobs, got promoted 3x, went to CA at least 10x, probably got about 500 storypoints and got a little closer to doing something beautiful and doing something good
Learned: about kubernetes, David Shrigley, the regular backdoor ira, the first page of anti-oedipeus, the art of a defensive haircut, orange meals, high blood pressure / cholesterol, grief, the decline of democracy, netflix's incredible performance, how to make a beautiful cup of coffee
Risk Factors | what will become of the trash? who will open the door when Sarah forgets her key and Nick is playing games? when will sarah's company pay for her to visit chaska / the sf st regis?
Outlook and Vision | Fear not, shareholders, the chefs will be just fine
Things we miss from a past life
indoor dining
when you go to a frat party in a basement and its so squish that you have to push someone to get through and your shoes stick to the ground and everyone and their mother is there and everyone has hooked up with half of the people there
licking people on the street
coughing into your hand and then shaking hands with someone
breakfast ice cream with your roommates
casual sex with strangers
going into a restaurant and trying everyones food
go inside at a fast food place and put all of the drinks into one cup (they wont let you postmates this)
avoiding eye contact with a stranger that you had casual sex with the night before on public transit
petting strangers dogs
going to Sephora and being able to use samples
office banter
waking up and realizing you can sleep more
peeing after you have held it for a long time
someone telling you that they love you
accomplishing something
feeling small
fighting in a revolution and winning
the sexy times
getting into a bed with clean sheets
hotel beds
returning to your bed after a trip
being at the front
Doing dumb stuff, together
Six questions to fall in love
What is the story of the time you had to pee the most?
Were you a Disney or Nickelodeon kid?
How do you feel about Citizens United v. FEC?
How good do you think you would be at sexing chickens?
Were you a cesarean or a vaginal birth?
What's the dumbest thing you've for a boy/girl/assorted other?
Should you celebrate Christmas before Thanksgiving?
Were you a nerdfighter?
How many?
If Dog A pees on Dog B, is Dog B the property of Dog A?
If we make enough food in the world, why are people still hungry?
Is Elon Musk hot?
Is it true that the real part of every non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function is 1/2?
How do we do something good and something beautiful and also eat good food?
What is the fastest way to make a million dollars?
How do you make someone fall in love with you?